
Showing posts with the label nonprofit

Perfect Love Featured in Atlanta Journal Constitution

In the featured article, "Motivated by love, Nonprofit aids lives," the Atlanta Journal Constitution recognizes Taos Wynn and Perfect Love Foundation for taking action to better the city of Atlanta by assisting those in need. Read the full article by clicking the image below:


"With every resource you help us provide, you're not only providing a meal or hygeine kit - you're providing hope." These were the impactful words of Charles, a Community Care Representative of Perfect Love Foundation speaking to an enthusiastic group of volunteers the morning of a Resource Packing party. These packing parties are not uncommon for the foundation and have become a signature event in which community resources are gathered, sorted, prepped and assembled for distribution. Afterwards, the items are distributed to various communities with citizens in need. Community is a word that resonates throughout the foundation, as its members will often describe the organization as just that - a community. The culture of the organization itself reminds its volunteers that Perfect Love is a community of individuals who: 1) love people,  2) understand that collectively we can make a difference, and 3) believe it is possible to build a better world by creat...


YOUR PARTNERSHIP MAKES A DIFFERENCE! I remember recently performing one of our Foundation’s routine meal distributions in downtown Atlanta. On this particular night, the sting of winter was fully felt with frosting temperatures below 20 degrees. And despite weather warnings, our volunteer team was determined to still perform the distribution and hand meals to homeless citizens that night. As we hurried to deliver the meals on the streets of Atlanta, in the distance, further than the crowd that had surrounded us to receive the meals, I saw a middle-aged woman perfectly placed on a low wall with several blankets from the neck down. Curious as to why she didn’t move to receive the food, I approached her asking if she would like a meal. What happened next literally hurt my heart. She looked at me and declined the meal saying give it to them. Confused about who she was referring to, she lifted the blanket urging two small children around the same age as my 6-year-old daughter to retr...


ATLANTA FOUNDATION CREATES HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS There’s more than enough negativity going around. Let’s celebrate the positive things happening in our world! For example, did you know Atlanta’s Perfect Love Foundation has impacted the lives of thousands of people this year? Learn more by watching and sharing the video below.

Discover 4 Simple Ways to Begin Making A Difference Today!

HERE'S HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED  The year 2018 is just around the corner and we're excited for the opportunity to make an impact in the upcoming year, but we can't do it without you! We need your support to continue changing lives around the world. Click on the images or visit the following link to discover 4 simple ways you can get involved starting today: GET INVOLVED .


Perfect Love Responds to Hurricane Harvey Through Rescue and Relief Initiative. In light of the recent flooding and disasters taking place in the  state of Texas, Perfect Love has made a commitment to providing assistance and relief efforts to families that have been negatively impacted by the effects of Hurricane Harvey. Through the foundation's Rescue and Relief cause, volunteers from the Atlanta area have gathered together to make a difference.  From young and youthful to seasoned and mature, volunteers of all ages shared in the effort of providing hope in the midst of a hurricane. Collectively, the initial effort yielded hundreds of care packages with an array of donated items such as non-perishable foods, book bags, water, toiletries, feminine products, clothing, wash cloths, hygienic items, first aid kits, and more.  The foundation will continue accepting  donations daily and will also host an additional community event  Saturday, Septembe...


Foundation Presents New Online Presence! Momentum continues for Perfect Love Foundation unveiling stunning new website to start the week. Fresh and modern the newly designed website showcases the heart of Perfect Love and highlights the foundation's impact domestically and abroad. Made possible through a culmination of fundraising efforts which began in March of 2017, the website serves as a minor reminder of a greater picture made possible only through a collective effort by supporters like you. The website will be the primary online presence for the foundation and will facilitate pertinent information and event registrations.  Visit  to experience the site today.

Helping Hearts Yield Hope Through Atlanta Hygiene Distribution

Hesitantly, he peered from a distance slowly making his way towards the table."May I have some of that biotic rub? You should see the blisters on my feet," the gentleman expressed as he approached Perfect Love volunteers to receive a men's hygiene kit. "You don't have to do that," replied the volunteer.  "Yes I do," stated the man with sincerity. "You need to see my feet and see what happens from walking all day." The man continued to sit and remove the worn combat boots covering his painful   blisters.   Mixed emotions resumed as several conversations similar to the one above were shared with Perfect Love volunteers. And although it was heartbreaking to hear these stories and many other first hand accounts of the harsh day-to-day realities of being homeless, hope emerged as Perfect Love distributed hundreds of hygienic items to homeless citizens in Atlanta.   Accompanied by the Foundation's' signature love not...


PERFECT LOVE FOUNDATION EXPANDS DISTRIBUTION EFFORTS TO NOW INCLUDE HYGIENE KITS! As of today, the Perfect Love organization revealed its intent to expand it's Community Care initiative to now encompass the distribution of toiletries and hygienic items. Perfect Love, which has prepared more than 1,600 meals for Atlanta's homeless and underserved constituents since January of this year, feels as though this is a natural progression for the foundation to continue meeting the needs of citizens.

A Thousand Meals and Counting

PERFECT LOVE FOUNDATION SURPASSES ANNUAL MILESTONE! With nearly 40 days still remaining in the second fiscal quarter of 2017, Perfect Love Foundation has reported an unforeseen impact in the city of Atlanta, GA. Since January 2017, the Foundation has already managed to not only meet its annual objective of providing a thousand meals to the city's homeless, but has also surpassed this milestone in record breaking time.  With over 1,400 meals being distributed within the first four months of the year, Perfect Love is currently trending to prepare 3 times it's expected yearly contribution of meals to the homeless. Additionally, the foundation has contributed nearly 200 hours of service to the city of Atlanta. Perfect Love shows no sign of slowing or diminishing efforts and is excited to continue making 2017 a record breaking year of impact. Currently, the foundation is expanding its community care program for the homeless, enhancing its fathering p...

Record Breaking Meal Prep

Perfect Love Foundation prepares record breaking amount of meals at latest Meal Prep Party! Music and fun-filled, Perfect Love Foundation hosts community Meal Prep parties every other week to prepare meals for Atlanta's homeless citizens in need. This past weekend, the Foundation prepared the highest amount of meals at one time in the foundation's history of the event with 557 portable meals being produced. With a team of enthusiastic volunteers, the foundation was committed to raise the bar in preparing more meals to assist a greater number of citizens in need. Perfect Love will continue preparing and serving meals in the community of Atlanta and openly invites members of the community to be apart of the experience. The next Meal Prep party takes place Sunday, May 21, 2017.