
Showing posts from April, 2018

Perfect Love Featured in Atlanta Journal Constitution

In the featured article, "Motivated by love, Nonprofit aids lives," the Atlanta Journal Constitution recognizes Taos Wynn and Perfect Love Foundation for taking action to better the city of Atlanta by assisting those in need. Read the full article by clicking the image below:

Local Patients Experience a Win for the Day!

Games and laughter filled the lobby of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta as Perfect Love volunteers initiated Game Day at the hospital's Egleston location. The event known as Christopher's Cause, is an opportunity for patients and families to engage in recreational activity as a part of the foundation's Compassion for Kids initiative. Our volunteers may have loss gracefully for the day, but it was truly a win for everybody. We would like to acknowledge Heartbeat (our foundation's partners) and our volunteers who donated board games for the day's event. Chick-Fil-A also provided food. If you too would like to become a partner of the foundation, join HEARTBEAT today.