Helping Hearts Yield Hope Through Atlanta Hygiene Distribution
Hesitantly, he peered from a distance slowly making his way towards the table."May I have some of that biotic rub? You should see the blisters on my feet," the gentleman expressed as he approached Perfect Love volunteers to receive a men's hygiene kit. "You don't have to do that," replied the volunteer. "Yes I do," stated the man with sincerity. "You need to see my feet and see what happens from walking all day." The man continued to sit and remove the worn combat boots covering his painful blisters.
Mixed emotions resumed as several conversations similar to the one above were shared with Perfect Love volunteers. And although it was heartbreaking to hear these stories and many other first hand accounts of the harsh day-to-day realities of being homeless, hope emerged as Perfect Love distributed hundreds of hygienic items to homeless citizens in Atlanta.
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